
Jesus Created Ministries (JCM) Creation Essay Contest Guidelines - $1,000 in Cash Prizes

JCM proudly announces its first creation-essay contest.  The goal of the contest is to motivate students to examine the claims of and debate between creation and evolution—including the logical implications of each claim with respect to one’s view of origin, purpose, morality, and destiny.  JCM will be awarding cash prizes of $500, $300, and $200 for first, second, third place, respectively.

The contest is open to all Oklahoma students ages 12-18 (as of June 15, 2009) whose parent/legal guardian has completed a JCM Creation Essay Contest Registration Form.

        The essay must be the unpublished, original work of the student, between 750 and 1,250 words.  Approved topics include:  biblical discussion of origins, relevance of the creation/evolution debate, insights into creation from an area of science (biology, geology, astronomy, etc.), other themes the student believes would support/promote the recent creation/global-flood view of earth history.  The essay must be submitted in electronic form.

      The essay must be emailed to essaycontest@JesusCreated.org by 11:59 pm, June 15, 2009.  Include the name of the submitting student in the email but not on the actual attached essay—to avoid any appearance of bias.  An acknowledgement email will be sent stating that JCM received the essay. 

The completed and signed JCM Creation Essay Contest Registration Form must be postmarked by June 15, 2009 and mailed to Jesus Created Ministries at 5103 S. Sheridan Road #213, Tulsa, OK 74145.  Please complete and mail this form as early as possible.  This will give JCM an idea of the number of entries to expect.  The first 100 registration forms postmarked on or before May 15, 2009 and who submit an essay by the contest deadline will receive a free creation-science book by Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) or Dr. Don DeYoung (Institute for Creation Research/Creation Research Society). JCM will mail books by July 31, 2009.  See registration form for book titles.

Student’s age will be taken into consideration during judging.  The general judging criteria will be as follows:

25% - Quality of the Topic:  To what extent does the essay support/promote the recent creation/global-flood view of earth history given in the Bible or show the weaknesses in the naturalistic/evolutionary viewpoint?

25% - Understanding: How well did the student understand the subject matter? Did he/she demonstrate a good grasp of the subject and make relevant points in the essay?

25% - Presentation: Was the information presented effectively?  Were the subject matter and points of the essay clear and easily understood?  Did the essay demonstrate excellence in its presentation of the topic?

15% - References: Was the reference material appropriate?  Did the student make good use of reference material in presenting the subject matter and points of the essay?

10% - Details: Spelling, grammar, and other English-related details.

For the registration form and complete details, go to http://www.JesusCreated.org/events/essaycontest2009.php

Jesus Created Ministries (JCM) www.JesusCreated.org